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China Public Holidays 2026

This page contains a national calendar of all 2026 public holidays. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.

1 Jan to 2 JanThu to FriNew Year Holiday
16 Feb to 22 FebMon to SunSpring Festival
5 Apr to 6 AprSun to MonChing Ming Festival
1 MayFriLabour Day Holiday
19 JunFriDragon Boat Festival
25 SepFriMid-Autumn Festival
1 Oct to 7 OctThu to WedNational Day Holiday
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2026 are released.

The State Council also provides public holidays for specific social groups:

8 MarSunInternational Women's Day *
4 MayMonYouth Day *
1 JunMonChildren's Day *
1 AugSatArmy Day *

— International Women’s Day is observed for half day by women only.
— Youth Day is observed for half day by youths between age 14 to 28.
— Children’s Day is observed for a full day by children below age 14.
— Army Day is observed for half day by military personnel in active service.