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Children's Day

Children’s Day 2025, 2026 and 2027

International Children’s Day is a public holiday in The People’s Republic of China, falling every year on 1 June.

20251 JunSunChildren's Day *
20261 JunMonChildren's Day *
20271 JunTueChildren's Day *
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Note: Children’s Day is observed for a full day by children below age 14.

In 1949, when International Children’s Day was first established, China was one of the first countries to adopt the day and date as its own. But in doing so, they dropped their previous holiday also called Children’s Day, which had been celebrated on 4 April in China since 1931.

On Children’s Day, Chinese children will attend large rallies and other events that emphasise their importance in society. They also engage in games and watch presentations put on for children. All such events are free in China.

Also, the Chinese government pays for special Children’s Day events put on specifically for kids who live in orphanages.

Children’s Day is a time to tell your kids how much you love them and to give them a fun day out. The value Chinese culture puts on children and family finds unique expression in China every first of June.

Previous Years

20241 JunSatChildren's Day *
20231 JunThuChildren's Day *